Wednesday, May 02, 2012


I never thought, in a million years, that I would look forward to doing HOUSEWORK!  Housework used to be something I had to do so others wouldn't think we were complete slobs.  Everyone has to do housework but no one enjoys it.  Cleaning the same things day in day out.  Just getting the house clean and it's messy again.  A continuous cycle with no end in sight. Monotonous.  There were so many other things I wanted to do besides housework!

But now?  I look forward to it!  Yes I said it!  I love doing my housework now!  No I haven't gone off the deep end...well not quite yet anyway although I am teetering.  Since the colon resection surgery I haven't been able to do too much.  It's been a long and boring recuperation but now I can occupy my time doing light housework.  It makes some of the time go by so fast and it's something I look forward to doing.  There's still alot I can't do yet but I'll get there eventually.  By my being able to do some light housework it sure takes a load off my wonderful, caring, loving husband.  He's been running his business, my business, looking after me and doing all the cooking, cleaning and laundry as well as taking me to all my appointments.  He's so tired and I worry about him so much.  He has the stress of all that and the stress of his wife having cancer.  I don't know how much more the poor man can take!

So I shuffle around the house looking for things I can do that will relieve some of his work load and stress.  I know it's not much yet but soon I will be able to do all of it and get back to running my business. 

I love that man more than I could ever say!

Have a great day! :)

1 comment:

mamahasspoken said...

Just found you by checking out my site meter! Just read the few posts that you have and so sorry to hear what you are having to go through right now! Makes one understand that something little that you can do now is really such a big thing. However, I would prefer the reading of the blogs.