Monday, May 07, 2012

Oncologist visit

The visit to Dr. S. my Oncologist had some good news and not so good news.
The good news is the CT scan of my chest, abdomen and pelvic was clear.  They could see no cancer in the CT scan.  The not so good news is that my CEA count is up a bit.  It was 166 before surgery and after surgery it was 5.9.  The last two tests showed it raised to 6.9 so there is cancer but they don't know where.

Dr. S. started talking about a new procedure called HIPEC that she felt I was a good candidate for because of my age.  Because I was young (it was nice to hear that 51 was young!) they would like to consider me for this.  She told me that they open my abdomen, heat up the chemo and pour it in and let it sit there for a while.  She said that this is relatively new so there aren't many stats to show me how well it works compared to people who don't get this.  She then received a call from the doctor that does the HIPEC and he suggested that I go on chemo for 6 months first, then get a PET scan and if the cancer hasn't spread into any other place but my abdomen then they will do the HIPEC surgery.  I am glad they are starting the chemo first because I really feel we need to get on this as soon as possible instead of waiting for PET scans and info on HIPEC.
I go on Thursday to have a Porta Cath inserted in my chest and I start Chemo (Folfax or 5FU?) next Monday.  I am not looking forward to the many side affects but I am looking forward to finally doing something about this cancer!  It's been 8 weeks from surgery and I feel hitting it as soon as possible gives me a better chance.

I try to stay positive and I do believe I can beat cancer's ass but sometimes the anger creeps in.  I am angry about being misdiagnosed for so many years!  IBS is what they said was the problem and no matter how many times I went with complaints they just told me "you have IBS".  There was no scans done nothing.  If they had listened to me I wouldn't have stage 4 colon cancer!  It would have been caught early and my chances of a long long life would have been so much better.  Yes I know that that's the past and it's done and it's time to let it go and I know life and cancer isn't fair but sometimes...well I have to learn how to let that go. 

If anyone reading this blog ever gets the diagnosis of IBS or has ANY of the signs of colon cancer please please DEMAND a colonoscopy and/or CT scan!  Colon cancer, if caught early, is one of the easiest cancers to cure!

I wish you all enough!


Terri said...

Good luck. In America we can't get a colonoscopy until we are 50, bit I had no symptoms. I think if you suspect something you just tell the doctors someone in your family had colon cancer and you are worried you might too.

Good luck! I think you'll be Ok; sounds like you are in good hands. Keep your chin up.

Cowgirl Attitude

mamahasspoken said...

Before I turned 50, the doctors had me do a colon scope. I was having some weird pains and they were ruling out it being my colon. Turns out I have Pelvic Floor Disorder and the treatment is working for now. But who would have guessed that having colon problems were related to that?

Chaotic Serenity said...

Terri: Welcome to my blog :) I think you are right that you should say that if you are worried or have any of the symptoms. When caught early Colon cancer is much more managable.

Momma has spoken: Welcome to my blog :) I love the name! I am so glad the treatment is working for you!